Zagreb, Croatia, 1 - 5 July 2024


Traditionally, awards are scheduled for this symposium as well.

Grinzato Award

The Grinzato Award for the best scientific paper at the Conference was awarded to the author Marie-Marthe GROZ from France for the paper QIRT-2024-042 entitled "Active Thermal Super-Resolution Based on Laser Flying Spot Technique Coupled with IR Thermography: Extension Into 2D Analysis".

Student Award

The best student paper awarded with the Student Award is by author Malo LECORGNE from France for paper QIRT-2024-008 entitled "An Ontology for Thermophysical Properties Estimation and Defects Characterization in the Field of Infrared Thermography".

Publication of Best Papers

After the Conference, all papers will be evaluated by the QIRT Committees and the best papers will be published in the QIRT Journal.

These papers should not already be published in any conference proceedings or journals and the work should be original and new. A peer review process by independent, anonymous expert referees will be performed.